flattering - waving
resent - ignore
boarding school - szkoła z akademikiem
anticipatory - predict
agitated - anxious
rush - go fast
bark - dog sound
teamed - trained (pet)
bite - hurt
cage - klatka
gallop - horse running
kennel -dog house
nest - bird house(on tree)
paw - animal hand
purr - cat sound
stable - horse house
tail - łogon
quack – duck sound
sting – snake bite
crawl – to move slowly on hands and knees
howl - dogs and wolves cry sound
wag - tail shake
hiss - snake sound
fawn - łasić się
snarl- show teeth
scale - fish skin
fins - fish "hands"
chirp - bird singing
neight - horse sound
domastic animals - home anomals
hofs - horse leg
fur - animals hair
leach - rope for pets
muzzle - 1.dog face 2.dogface protector
claws - scharp nails
talons - huge claws
stork - bocian
sparrow - wróbel
lark - skowronek
ostrich - struś
hen - kura
cock - 1.kogut 2.man precious
crane - żuraw
craining over - cheeting
swan - łabądź
bark up at the wrong tree - trafić pod zły adres
call the dogs off - odpuścić sobie
cook sb goose - make mess and have to deal with it?
early bird ctches a worm - kto rano wstaje...
stir up a hornet nest - włożyć kij w mrowisko
spreed the beens - rozpowiedzieć plotki
to go Dutch - pay for yourself
stray dogs - nobody dogs
forsee - predict
? antycypate - expect
reflect - to give bckward view
breeze - light wind
drizzle - light rain
fog - mgła
 patchy fog - łaciata mgła :)
 dense fog - thick fog
shower - rain\
frost - szron
gale - winds
hail - grad
lightning - bright light on the sky
thunder - sound of lightning
drought - long dry perioid of time
thunderstorm - storm with tunders
blizzard - huge snowstorm
sleet - rain with snow
casualties - [corps:)] ofiary, poszkodowani
snowed under with work - being very busy
as right as rain - as good as new
flod of tears - cry ver much
sunny smile - warm friendly smile
there isn't a cloud on the horizont - no problems
every cloud has a silver lining - every situation has better sides
spellbound - being amazed by sth
fortnight - 2 weeks
career ladder - drabina kariery zawod.
tramp - walking
footsteps - foot printed on groung
tracks - lines on wich trains go
canvas - material
whilst - at this moment
wander- walk with no destiny
score a goal
hit the target
met your targets (people)
took aim - prepare for some goal
fulfil dreams - make dreams come true
doodle - scribling
harm - bad things(hurt)
wealth - dobrobyt
backpacking - trip with backpack
a cruise - trip by ship
an expedition - wyprawa, discovering new things
a holiday course - kurs wakacyjny
trekking - short walks
a package holiday - planed holiday
a guided coach tour - tourng by coach with guide
a city-break - trip in city
insect repellant - anti insect spray
guidebook - przewodnik(książka)
? phrasebook - book to comunicate
sea-sickness pills - aviomarin
washing powder - detergant for washing
security wallet - safe wallet